Monday, 26 October 2009

Back to work!

Well, this was a great weekend! Some of us relaxed and stayed in Kolding and some of us (me, Femke!) went to Kopenhaven, but all of us had a great time :-)

But now, we're back to work! We've presented our four remaining concepts and then narrowed them down to one. Now our main focus is the wardrobe management system, but we've kind of figured that we could combine most of our concepts to create this super engaging teenage user experience for fashion & friends!

Furthermore, today we've brainstormed a lot about the user journey - how does Anna (our main persona now, her nr 1 need is to bond with her friends and she uses styling, fashion, swapping and giving advice to each other as a means to create that bonding) first get introduced to the system, and how do we get Anna to commit to it?

The most we've figured for now is that it should be done in baby steps: the reasoning is that, buying an entire new wardrobe closet is quite a big step to take all at once! And we've also concluded that this whole system has so much potential and possibilities, that it will be quite hard for us to keep focused on the core concept!

Now we're off to watch the movie, so laterzz :-)

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