Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Some photo's of monday!

Here's the school as we walked towards it for the first time - it was quite a nice sight, especially because of the contrast between the modern design of this building and the more classical design of the houses on the left.

Here on the right you see David Mallard of IDEO, summing up what themes he thought were different in 2009 from 1998. He based most themes on the stories of us students from what we were doing in 1998 compared to what we were doing now.

The themes David wrote down were:

1998 -> 2009

local -> global
ownership -> sharing
disposability -> responsibility
limited choice -> more choice
technological advance -> human needs advance
naïve -> wiser....?

We added some themes to that, which were:

indivivualism -> community
(recognition of) practical needs -> (recognizing) emotional needs in a product
product value -> emotional value

And here to the right is a shot of one of our brainstorm sheets -> at one point we were all writing our ideas down almost at the same time, and because we didn't feel we had the time to turn the sheet around, it got a bit messy at one point. It looked very creative, though! :-)

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