The user in the beginning of an amazing journey!
Another day of intensive work is turning into an evening.
Today after the jumps all teams showed their user joyrneys to some other teams. Our team got very heplful feedback from the visiting groups and that helped us to focus. Until today our user journey seemed to be more like an explosion of things than anything linear.
To narrow the journey down from nine thousand Post-its to four really helped us to focus.
After narrowing the focus it was time for prototyping ..
Our team decided to prototype the four following touchpoints:
2- The wardrobe + RFID-scanner
3-The laundry basket
4- The style your friends function
Some of the prototypes.. sweet huh?
The team enjoyed building the prototypes and found them useful for finding things that need to be developed further.
Tomorrow we will show the prototypes for the users and see how they react.
That's all for now.. laters.
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